연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Korea-Australia Joint Symposium: Next Generation Polymer Science and Technology (English)
발표장 삼다홀B
논문코드 1L2-6
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 15:55-16:20
논문제목 Development of Functional Hydrogels by Tuning Internal Structures
발표자 김연수
발표자 소속 포항공과대학교
저자 김연수
소속 포항공과대학교
논문초록 Various hydrogel actuators have been developed so far, however, their actuation has inherent limitation in efficiency, because of their primitive actuation mechanism simply relying on the volume changes through the swelling and deswelling of gel networks. These limitations could be overcome through the imitation of mechanisms shown in Nature’s living creatures, offering an enormous potential for the development of functional soft materials that may improve our life. As represented by muscular tissues, some biological tissues are composed of numerous nanoscopic subunits that are assembled into anisotropically oriented structures extending over amacroscopic size regime. To address this challenge, we have recently developed polymer networks with 'single-crystal-like'structural order, where 2D-shaped inorganic materials were employed as constituents. In this presentation, their unprecedented functions originating from anisotropic structures will be discussed.